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Tunisia village Yyoumih represent natural panel stunning in the arms of the countryside and on the shores of Lake Qarun, where fresh air and charming nature that there is no parallel in many European countries, and that made them one of the most important tourist and environmental sources of the rural world and that are similar in splendor Swiss countryside, making the Europeans are leaving their homelands and they reside.
«Village Tunisia» trace Yusuf Al center administratively located east of the city of Fayoum on 55 km's highest hill rocky take in the regression quietly wondrous even up to Lake Qarun beach is not separated from the water only expanses of greenery and trees, not to mention the dozens of rare birds live on its banks and Zaid splendor of the village, fruit orchards and olive trees scattered in each hand.
The village has 250 houses and villas on the same architectural approach of the artist Architectural global Hassan Fathy, which features a built that mud domes, allowing him to remain cool summer along warm in winter, and been designed form of character rural simple which combines the splendor design and paint and inscriptions crossing all Ages knew Egyptian civilization and its composition, which rises from the earth's surface, but one floor and interior courtyard which houses the rooms of the house to ensure privacy for its occupants Rahajh comfortable life along with the homes of peasants from the village.
It comes to Tunisia village many artists from various countries of the world where magic place which helps to blow up the energies of artistic creativity they have.
Our Philosophy

Evelyn says, "has become an Egyptian peasant authentic for nearly fifty years, after Mkuta in a rural house in the village, which made me a wonderful architectural style I hold it, I left my country and I decided to live here with my husband." Purée discovered when the people of this village artistic talent inherited down and work out, is the pottery-making. She adds: "Even though they do not hold academic qualifications, they have the experience of art and nature on the implementation of the features of pottery. So I decided to open a school to teach pottery in a practical and literal."


Porcelain revolve around the idea of living and the identity of the population of the village of Tunisia in Fayoum, which now has an annual festival of pottery and crafts attracts Egyptians and foreign tourists.

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